New Year, New You: 5 Simple Tips for Making Your New Year's Resolutions

goals new years reflections Jan 02, 2023

The New Year is HERE  and many of us are taking the time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the new year. New Year's resolutions can be a great way to declare to the universe what you desire, and make positive changes in our lives, however many of us may have difficulty sticking to them. I have found that by making the process easy and simple, then one has higher changes of keeping the resolution. Here are a few tips to help you stay on focused and on track to ensure your resolutions are a success.

1. Reflect on the past year.

In case you missed out on how to reflect on the past year, check out my blog HERE. In it, I describe simple ways to reflect on what worked in the past year and what didn’t. The key to reflection is to be honest with yourself as to why things did or did not work out as you might have hoped. The honesty alone will allow you to identify what enables change and what doesn't. There is nothing wrong if the change didn’t happen, what matters is that you understand what were the barriers to change so that you try things differently.  

2. Set your new Goals. 

Ok now that you reflected on the prior year, what goals do you want for the new year? Some like to make a laundry list of goals, others make vague goals. I like to make goals the way corporate organizations make goals, and that is what strategic priorities will move the needle. Translate to your personal life, what are the 3-5 goals that will make massive sustainable changes in your life. I personally don’t think of my goals as a check the box, it’s done, although I have a few of those, (hello, Paris!) however I like to think of what will allow me to feel really good that when I meet this goal, will I look back and say “Yeah!” A personal goal that I set last year was that I wanted to improve my relationship with my own mom. I felt that she triggered me and I would have zero patience with her. I wanted to be happy when she called vs. annoyed. After a year of being conscious of how I wanted to feel around her, I can honestly say that our relationship has honestly changed in the most meaningful way and we are in such a great spot, it feels amazing to be close to her again. So what are the big strategic goals that will make you feel most proud? 

3. Create a ‘fun’ plan. 

Key word is fun! Who wants to feel like they are being dragged out of bed to meet a goal? No thank you. That is why I recommend implementing Fun into the mix. So how did I mix fun into building a positive relationship with my mom? Well instead of feeling annoyed when she would call, I started to think of it as an adventure (yes I love to travel). Hmmm, what fun craziness is my mom up to, I would wonder before picking up the phone. Simply shifting how I approached my goal changed everything. What would make your goal fun which will enable you to want to achieve that goal? 

4. Use a support system 

So many people think they have to do everything on their own. The truth is that there are so many communities in person or online that are trying to achieve the same thing you are. And having a support system can make all the difference when it comes to sticking to your goals. We all have that one friend or family member that can help and if you still feel that alone, consider a professional coach, or life coach to help you, guide you, hold you accountable and offer encouragement to stay on track. 

5. Take it Easy & Celebrate along the way!

It's important to be gentle with yourself if you slip up. Acknowledge how far you’ve come along and get back on track. Simultaneously remember to celebrate the milestones along the way. Whether it's a small win or a major accomplishment, it's important to take a moment to appreciate the progress you've made. This can help keep you motivated and encourage you to keep working towards your goals. I personally celebrate all of the time with ice cream, trust me it is a great motivator! 


New Year's resolutions can be a great way to make positive changes in your life. By reflecting on your past year, setting new goals, having fun in the journey, finding a support system, and being gentle while still celebrating the milestones, you can increase your chances of making your goals a success. Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year!

Want to plan out your new year? Get my 2023 Goal & Intention Setting Guide to go through this process and set yourself up an amazing New Year!

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