Tools & Resources

My go to resources, that have helped me through all the ups and downs of my journey.

These Tools Have Fueled My Soul

In the middle of chaos, I have always turned to books and journaling. These books have given my soul the permission and understanding that things will be OK. No matter where you are in your life’s journey, I promise you are not alone. But don’t just take my work for it, let these books guide you…(or gift them to someone in need of love and support).

No matter how much we have suffered or experienced pain in our loss, I humbly and boldly can say I don’t think any of our experiences compare to that of Victor Frankl. A survivor of four concentration camps, including Auschwitz, this man’s story and perspective on life is simply…remarkable.

I came across Brene’ Brown via her popular TedTalk in 2010…The Power of Vulnerability (a must watch!). That talk inspired this book, and speaks to the power vulnerability. The message in this book is the essence of why I share my story. To be vulnerable is to be connected.

I’m a HUGE Oprah fan! When I saw through many interviews that THIS book influenced Oprah’s life. I knew I had to read this book. In the first few pages, I knew that everything has a higher purpose and meaning. It only makes sense that our purpose is to align ourselves to our higher soul’s calling.

I used to watch Oprah on TV at the age of 10 and her wisdom is indispensable. In this book, Oprah captures all of the lessons she learned over the course of her 25 years on air. Some of the stories are just je nai se quoi that simply fuels the soul. My favorite is her story on why she had the show for 25 years. It is a light but feel good read to enjoy.

That’s right, I have Dr. Seuss as one of my top reads. Although a simple story, you realized how what we experience is universal and Dr. Seuss put this into another simple story that anyone can relate to. This story reminds me that for every experience we have, we are more than equipped to face. A fabulous read to be read monthly.

My FAVORITE book of All TIME! I first read it for the first time after I graduated college and was going to make major life changing moves. This book gave the me courage to go for it, even when I didn’t know what the future held. I loving now read this book every other year and am always encouraged to keep on the path even when it’s unclear.

A fabulous book about mindset. Napoleon Hill interviewed the who’s who of his time and was able to glean what made the most successful people of that time, successful. This book is a framework to create the life you absolutely know that you desire. You’ll be surprised.

This was the first book that was a real first eye opener, in helping me realize that I was Not Alone in my grief. It is the most comprehensive in sharing the “stages” (spoiler there are no stages) of grief. Through this book I understood that my grief and journey were normal and that I would be Ok.

The Four Agreements is probably one of the most simple yet profound books I have read. To live with the four agreements takes self-awareness, consciousness, and discipline within self, yet it is truly magical what occurs when we commit to living in integrity with ourselves.

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