
Get in touch with Diana

About Diana Hernandez Wayne

Diana Hernandez Wayne is an international Life & Loss Empowerment Coach, on a mission to help others create and live their most soulful authentic life. After losing two of her sisters 15 months apart, one to cancer, and one by suicide, Diana experienced depression and anxiety. Her miracle prayer allowed her to heal within 6 months, and drove Diana to become a life coach and share the power modality with the world. She is a Master NLP Practioner, Grief Recovery Specialist, and has a certificate in Neuroscience for Business from MIT Sloan. Diana incorporates her over 15 years in Corporate America experience and personal development expertise, with the intersections of neuroscience, manifestation, and universal laws to coach her clients through loss, careers changes, and relationships. In addition to life changing courses, she consults companies like venture capital firms through due diligence to enable rapid growth. When she is not traveling, she lives between San Francisco and Los Angeles with her husband, Toby.

Reach Out

Do you have general inquiries for Diana? Want to know more details about 1:1 coaching? Or just want to send some love? Regardless, we’d love to hear from you! 

For all inquiries, please fill out the below form and our team will reach out within a 48 hour window (excluding holidays and weekends). 

And remember, when is Now a good time to Thrive?!

With Love,
