My Story

From grief, to manifesting & thriving!

I'm your new best friend,

"I just knew that I was more than my grief and while I didn’t know how, I knew that my dreams and desires weren’t put into my heart by accident."
- Diana Hernandez Wayne

The Backstory

Born into an immigrant family from El Salvador, I am the youngest of four girls. I hustled my way through college to create what I thought was a dream life, but I was in survival mode until sh*t really hit the fan.  

Between 2012 and 2014, two of sisters, and best friends, died 15 months apart, one to cancer and one by suicide (can't make this up). 

But if you look at me today, you would never know that I had such a grief stricken journey because my outlook on life is amazingly positive.

The Miracle Prayer

After my sisters died, I spent a few years spinning around in the haze of grief. I stayed busy at work and did anything and everything to distract myself. I became anxious and depressed.

I was going to therapy but I didn't feel that I was making progress. I was desperate to feel better. One night as I laid in bed, sad, depressed and overwhelmed, I prayed "God, help me find a life coach."

Why I prayed those words is a mystery but the universe has a funny way of intervening in the most unexpected ways. The very next week, I met my  mentor, a life coach and 5 time cancer survivor (read that again) in improv class out of all places! #universeforthewin

The Quantum Change

Coaching changed EVERYTHING. I also uncovered so much about myself including unhealed trauma and unknown mother wounds that had impacted my grief journey. I now understood everything that needed to be processed and healed so that I could finally move through this grief so that I could being to Thrive. 

With life coaching, I released the anxiety, shifted the depression, and healed my losses and - the best part - the drastic transformation happened within 6 months!

The Obsession

Because life coaching changed everything and quickly, I couldn't just keep this to myself. I needed to know why it worked and why it was so effective. I became obsessed with all things personal development. I spent hundreds of hours watching and reading anything on personal development, and eventually made my way to attending hundreds of seminars, with countless famous coaches, including attending over a dozen Tony Robbins events. 

I went onto become: a Cancer Journey Life Coach, Grief Recovery Specialist, and NLP Master Practitioner. I have invested over 6 figures (and counting) in my craft  that I now use to coach brilliant minds, like yours!

Coaching and personal development helped me heal my childhood traumas, move past unhealthy relationships, cut toxic people (#boundaries). I met my now amazing husband, quit my 15 Year Corporate Career, and today I live a thriving life that I love. I wake up everyday joyful and filled with gratitude to co-create this amazing life with the universe, while helping others like you do the same!

My mission for you is simple...
I help you release the blocks so that you can manifest & live your most soulful authentic life! No fuss. No BS. Just sheer radical love, accountability, & guidance.

What this means for you...

Whether or not you've experienced loss or just feel like the rug has been pulled out from under you, know this: What you desire is available to you now. 

I've coached people with diverse life experiences including:

  • Grief, Loss, & Traumas
  • Mother Wounds
  • Divorces & Broken Relationships
  • Unfulfilled Careers & Career Switches
  • Money Manifestations

Using the energetic power of 3D & 5D to Quantum Leap. If it is possible for them and for me, then it is possible for you too! Let’s get started on creating your new magical life. 

I'm ready for coaching!