Reflecting on the Year: Taking Inventory of Your Progress, Opportunities, and Accomplishments

neuroplasticity new years reflections Dec 27, 2022

It’s hard to believe that another year is coming to a close. As we’re in the middle of the holidays this is a great time to reflect on the past 12 months and take inventory of how we fared over the past year. End-of-year reflection can be a powerful tool to help you understand what worked, what didn’t, and where we fall short of our goals. Most importantly, reflection allows you to go deeper into understanding what needs to change or where you need to double down, so that you can set goals for the next year and build upon your opportunities and successes to create your best year yet! Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your end-of-year review.

  1. Take some time to reflect.

I know it sounds simple, but take the time to actually sit down and think about the past year. Consider what goals you set out at the beginning of the year, what challenges you faced, and the progress you made. You may have fallen off the wayside or you may have accomplished one out of the list. It doesn’t matter what matters is that you take the time to reflect. *Tip* Personally I like to journal out and reflect on my year. 

  1. Be honest with yourself

Roughly about ~9% of the population keep and see their new year's resolutions goals. That means that perhaps you may have fallen off the wayside. That is OK. What matters is that you’re honest with yourself about why those goals didn’t come into fruition. What worked and more importantly why didn’t it work? This honesty will give you insight into planning your goals. The overachiever in me use to honestly over do it with my goals. I would create a list of 15 goals and get overwhelmed. Over the years I’ve narrowed it down to 3 - 5 and even some of those are stretches, yet when I accomplish a big one, wow that feels great! Why didn’t the goal work?

  1. Reflect on what needs to change

Great you’ve taken inventory of your accomplishments and opportunities, now what needs to change? As Albert Einstein is quoted as saying: “The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting different results” what needs to change? Perhaps less overcommitting, setting boundaries, learning to say “no” or “yes” for that matter. You know inside what needs to change and what needs to improve. Trust your insights.

  1. Celebrate your accomplishments.

Ok you didn’t get all of your goals done, but you moved the needle towards doing what you wanted to do. You got a gym membership, you finally booked that trip that you’ve always wanted to go on, or tried that restaurant that has been on your list. No matter how big or small. Celebrate your wins. When you celebrate your wins, you train your brain to look for what is good (that is neuroplasticity for the win!) Give yourself some grace and celebrate the milestones. You made progress and that is what matters. Identify areas for improvement.

  1. Plan for the New Year. 

The reflection allows deeper insight into what you desire. It’s time to take all the insights and set the intentions and goals for the new year. *TIP* Personally I like to write out my goals and also create a vision board of the themes and energy that I want for the new year. - I find that the creativity of vision boards and writing down my goals locks in the energy of the year in a more profound manner. Ultimately planning and setting goals is a fun and creative process.

In summary, Reflecting on the Year: Taking Inventory of Your Progress, Opportunities, and Accomplishments. By making time to reflect, being honest with yourself about what worked and didn’t, reflecting on what needs to change, and celebrating your accomplishments, you can set the stage for a better New Year. 

Want to get Started? Get my 2023 Goal & Intention Setting Guide to go through this process and set yourself up an amazing New Year!

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