The Power of Intuition: How to Trust The Sixth Sense

goals intuition manifestation Jan 29, 2023
Power of Intuition

Despite the loss of my two sisters 15 months apart, when I take a look back, I realized that I have had a pretty Epic Life. I manifested meeting my now husband within two weeks and got engaged within the same year! We traveled abroad and have done a lot of epic adventures. We survived the pandemic as a newly wed couple, which we affectionately call: the Marriage Accelerator Program since we were together 24/7 for two years, and  last year we intuitively decided to move to Los Angeles.

A lot has been great, but allowed me to have this life? I simply say: I follow my intuition.

What is Intuition? 
Intuition is the ability to listen to the nudging feelings inside, the inner knowing, or sense about a given situation. It may not logically or consciously make sense but it gives us just enough of a nudge to know what the course of action is to be taken. it helps us make decision and is often described as the sixth sense.

It works something like this. Remember when you were in grade school, taking a test, you saw and answer and thought that's the answer! But then you saw another answer and you convinced yourself that the other one was right because the initial one didn't make 'logical' sense, but after the exam was done and the teacher went over the answers, which you got wrong, you would find out that the the original you thought was the actual right answer. Facepalm! 🤦‍♂️ WHY?!
Well that initial hit, that sixth sense, that is your intuition. 

It is one thing to KNOW and be aware of the insight and that nudge and another to discern and listen to the sixth sense. It is in the discernment of the sixth sense, that can get confusing because sometimes the ego or the ninja 🥷  mind gets very very loud and will stop 🛑 with all of its force and loud voice to stop the little whisper. However when you listen to the whisper, what I have found is that magic unfolds. 🔮

So how do you trust the Sixth Sense? 
You get to know your intuition. Remember a time when you followed your intuition. What did it feel like? How did it turn out? What did you notice?
➡️ Start to take those insights and apply it in your today.  Notice how you're calm and relaxed. And noticed when you're not calm and relaxed. I can assure you that nothing good comes out of taking action from fear and stress. Then you start to observe what works and what didn't and you start to take the little action steps based on your intuition. Apply listening
 and then notice how Power of your Intuition magically unfold your manifestations and goals. 😉

➡️ Want to learn how to know and listen to your intuition!? Take my transformative masterclass, AWAKEN YOUR INTUITIVE POWERS, where you'll learn practical tools to learn how to harness and unlock the POWER of Your INTUITION Full Details HERE 

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