My Sister's 43rd Birthday

birthday loss sister suicide Sep 08, 2022

September 1st marks what would have been my sister's 43rd birthday. 💓 I am grateful for her life. She left many impressions in my life including what is right and what isn't.

While we didn't always agree, I know that in her heart she believed that what she was doing was right. That is why when she took her life, I know that in her mind, she thought it was the best thing for her. Her pain had grown so severe that she didn't see another way. 🥹

My heart honestly does feel sad, but I know that she is saying to "it's ok, I am ok with my decision, honor my decision" and for that I honor her.🥲

On your birthday Raquel I simply say:

Happy Birthday dear sister. I thank you for the wisdoms and gifts that you’ve sent me from being on the other side. Loving you always.

-Your little sister


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