It's ok to not be ok

astrology emotions feelings grief life loss sad trauma Jul 25, 2023

 I didn't want to make this post because I hate how it felt...but in the spirit of #life & #shitisreal here we go
⚠️Trigger Warning βš οΈ

A few weeks ago, there was a shooting in my neighborhood, we were safe and I knew we would be Ok, but recalling the gun going off followed by a harrowing sound of whomever was there next to the person that got killed was jarring, that was the sound that kept playing over and over and my mind.

Yes, I knew it sparked a trauma, the imprint was real.

After all was said & done the following days & weeks, I have been slowly coming back to self. The truth is that I was jarred and shaken to my core.

Limiting beliefs exposes. Core Beliefs shaken. πŸ€§
Questions that loomed in my head:
*Why did this happen?
*Why did we manifest this?
*Why is that ONE restaurant in our neighborhood allowed to be open until 4 am?
**& all of the looming questions....

I started to spin when my mind couldn't shake it. I got depressed for a day (ugh) and I knew I wasn't OK. (but I am Ok).

➑️ Here's what was interesting: I kept beating myself up because I wanted to feel better & wanted to shake off the feelings because let's the honest, yucky feelings suck when in the middle of them. πŸ˜« It was the wanting to shake off vs. be with, that caused the spin. So that all to say:

➑️ it's Ok to not be Ok. Some day it's just gonna suck, & then the next day you wake up dust yourself off and carry yourself forward, trusting that the wisdom and guidance will come.

I have been slowly getting the downloads, slowly coming back to self, and KNOW that I will be ok. πŸ™ Thank you to my hubs, teachers, life coaches and friends that have been there. πŸ™

➑️ Now more than ever we need to support each cause this world is going through some major shifts πŸ™  but all will be well πŸ’“

& Yes there were some #astrology shifts happening in my chart when this happened. Here’s looking at you Pluto opposite my Cancer #iykyk πŸ™ƒ

PS - picture is from a hike I took of Downtown Los Angeles, after the incident. Nature has a way of allowing me to regain and feel grounded. 

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