How to weather the Emotional storms

emotions greatness hardships Oct 25, 2022

Hiya! Have you ever felt the energy being energetically intense? 😕 Where you're here and also feeling as if you're not fully here. 🙃 Life around seems to be pushing and pulling in different directions and yet you're trying to keep your head up, staying focused, staying the course and keeping the faith. I know that I have been there before and been left feeling as if "Oh man I have this all wrong." The ninja mind 🥷 even sneaks in ask says all those negative thoughts: "What is happening?" Why is this happening? What is wrong with me?" and fill in the blank with more negative thoughts. 

🎁 Here's what I know what do to when this happens: It is OK to take a step back and look within. I have come to believe that the greatest gift that you can give yourself is to look within and develop self-awareness, while giving yourself some grace 😉  
Oftentimes we think that we're immune to the seasons of life's journeys, when really sometimes we have to weather the storm in order to Grow. Growth is a blessing because it serves us, it stretches us and unlocks a up-leveling that we didn't realized that we were capable of. We look back with awe of how far we've come along, reflect on how we handled life, and we realized how incredible we are. 

Will you remember your greatness?

Here's to living,
-💓 Diana 

PS - Learn how to get back to Greatness. Book an Alignment Call, No Obligation to explore how coaching can work for you.  

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