How to Tap into your Intuition

goals greatness intuition manifestation Mar 01, 2023

Everyone has access to intuition, including you. Intuition is a powerful tool that enables you to become aware of something without actively contemplating it or thinking about it, much less without over analyzing it. All of us have the capacity to develop our intuition, which will enable us to make wiser choices and feel more confident in our decisions. In order to harness the power of your intuition you need to:

Recognize when you are feeling an intuitive impulse or hit.

An intuitive hit is a powerful, sudden feeling that can be challenging to suppress. When your intuition kicks in, there are several common signs that you should pay attention to, for example you may feel and notice that:

  • You are enthusiastic over an upcoming event (like meeting someone).
  • You are positive that something will occur in the future (like going on vacation).
  • You’re fully present and thinking in the now because you know that was is meant to be will be
  • Even if you feel a little bit of fear, you also feel more excited
  • Your mind tends to be free to concentrate on what has to happen next. 
  • As you recall past worries or future events, that haven't happened yet, you smile, noticing the thoughts vs. being caught up in them

This intuitive impulsive hit can feel as if it comes out of nowhere, and sometimes it is stubble but may also be hard to ignore.  Once you start to notice how your intuition feels:

Take the time to Listen to Your Intuition 

  • Listen to your inner voice and follow it, even if it doesn't make sense at first. Intuition rarely makes logical sense.
  • Trust yourself and what you know deep down inside that it is guiding you, even if no one else does or understands why.
  • Listen to your gut feeling when making decisions, especially the big ones! Again you are being guided
  • Pay attention to how your body feels in certain situations-this can help guide you on what's right or not right for you. 

Listen to that Expression

When you express what your gut feeling is telling you, it will help guide you into paths that will be beyond your wildest dreams. And what happens when you listen to your intuition? You look back and realize how much happier you feel for taking that action. 

Discern Logic vs. Your Inutution

Stop yourself from analyzing too much or trying to create rational explanations for your intuition. There's a difference between intuitive feelings and rational logical thoughts. Intuition is a gut feeling or hunch that you can't explain, but yet you know it's right. 

Keep an Open Mind, even when there is no evidence to support that you are feeling.

The next time you feel like something is up, don't be afraid to trust your gut. You may not have any evidence to support what you're thinking or feeling, but that doesn't mean it isn't true. Trusting your intuition can help guide you toward making better choices in life, which will ultimately lead to more happiness and manifesting so much! Because here’s the kicker: it's not about finding an explanation for your intuition; it's about trusting yourself enough not to try too hard at figuring it out!

Trust Yourself and ignore the naysayers 

It's also important not to let other people's opinions stop you from trusting your intuition--and this includes friends and family who might disagree with how strongly or weakly they believe in their own gut feelings! If someone doesn't believe that there is any value in listening closely for signs from within, then maybe they are not ready yet either; maybe there's still some work left on their end before being able to fully embrace this concept. Even family members may try convincing us otherwise because they want us to stay safe rather than exploring new territories where things might not always go smoothly at first glance...but again: That doesn't mean we shouldn't keep trying anyway! After all this is your life. 

So what did we learn? You can learn to trust the messages that come from within. 

Intuition is an incredible superpower that can be harnessed and tapped within. It can be hard to understand and even harder to trust, but if you're willing to take the time, intuition can be awakened and utilized as a powerful tool in your life. By recognizing when you're feeling an intuitive impulse, taking the time to trust it and then expressing what your gut feeling is telling you, keeping an open mind, and trusting, you'll find yourself more connected with who you really are as an individual--and that's certainly something worth exploring!

➡️ Want to learn how to know and listen to your intuition!? Take my transformative masterclass, AWAKEN YOUR INTUITIVE POWERS, where you'll learn practical tools to learn how to harness and unlock the POWER of Your INTUITION Full Details HERE 

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